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Cant Connect to Public WiFi

Cant Connect to Public WiFi

If you cant connect to public WiFi? There are a number of areas you may want to check. A lot of times, this is not a problem that can be linked to your computer. This may be a router related issue in the cafe or free WiFi hot spot. In that case there is not much you can do. However you can perform a few steps that can eliminate this problem quickly.

Why you cant connect to public WiFi?

Log-in credentials:First, makes sure that there isn’t a requirement for log-in passwords and IDs. You can ask the staff to share this information with you if that’s the case. Also large public networks require you to sign up for their service before continuing. You will not be able to log on without first creating an account.

Terms of Service is also required by some public wifi networks. If you don’t agree to their terms of service. You will not be able to connect to the WiFi system.

Bandwidth Caps: Many free public networks and hot spots are capping their bandwidth so during peak hours it may be impossible to log on due to the ISP or public service blocking new users.

What can you do to connect?

Solution 1

Restart your hardware: at times your router may have be turned off and turned back on by yourself or Windows. Make sure your modem is functioning by looking for a green a blue light your laptop.

Solution 2:

Try another network to ensure that particular Wifi isn’t preventing your specific device from logging on. If this is the case you make need check your security settings and software configuration.

Solution 3:

Eliminate IP Conflicts: When you log on to a public network you must obtain a new computer IP address that is assigned by the public WiFi DHCP servers. Sometimes your IP address configuration get messed up due changes in your network settings. In addition, you can’t log on a public WiFi if the server’s assigned you the same address as another device logged on the the same WiFi network The way to avoid IP conflicts is to get assigned a new IP.

Try to renew your IP . You can do this two ways address

Go to Command Prompt> Type ipconfig /release > Type ipconfig renew>

For more on this command Click Here.

This action will eliminate your IP and bring it back onto the system within seconds You can also watch a Renew IP Video

For more help with connectivity issues, read more about cant connect to public WiFi solutions.