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Want to block SVCHOST.EXE?

What is svchost.exe and why block svchost.exe?

Before you learn how to restrict svchost.exe from loading, first understand its importance. Svchost.exe is not a virus. It is a necessary application that helps your computer function properly.

According to Microsoft Svchost.exe acts as a host for a group of services on your computer. As you are aware, there a many services and programs that run silently in the background. Svchost.exe pools many of these services in one group and runs all of them at the same time. This is great for efficiency. However, it can cause your CPU to spike to 100%. Special Note: You can remove Svchost.exe errors with a good registry cleaner, click here to learn more.

Block SVCHOST.EXE by Removing Services

As mentioned before svchost.exe is essential. So, the trick is not to block svchost.exe, it’s to limit your computers need to use it. You can limit your computer need for svchost.exe. By cutting down on the services that are loaded when you PC starts. This can be done quite easily.