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Slow Streaming Video

Fix Slow Streaming Video Problems

Slow streaming video can put a damper on your internet video viewing experience, especially if you’re using a service like or It’s quite possible you’re streaming videos using a DSL or cable modem connection. Most videos should load and play simultaneously using streaming video technology. However, your PC may be inhibiting you from taking full advantage of streaming videos. This page will give you useful tips to troubleshoot your slow streaming video problems.

Note: Simply by detecting and removing spyware and malware you can free up tons of resources for video streaming and other high performance computer tasks.

Let’s begin with the basics to get you started.

How Does Streaming Video Work?

Streaming video or streaming media allows the Web user to avoid waiting to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is played as it arrives. The compression of the video allows it to be played simultaneously. Depending on your choice of media player and the file’s compression rate, the time it takes for the video to stream may vary.

The file is hosted on a server which can “multi-cast” the same file to multiple users at the same time. When you click on the video it is partially loaded before you can access it. This is known as “buffering”. Now lets take a look on how to cut down on buffering time, stop slow streaming video and eliminate choppy PC video playback.

How to make Streaming Video and Media load faster.

There are two aspects that are responsible for the slow streaming video. These are the computer’s ability to “play” the file and your computer’s ability to “receive” the file.

One immediate way to make your PC faster is to use a good registry cleaner also.

Step #1–Create More Resources to Receive the file

Receiving the video requires that you have the proper amount of space needed to load the video temporarily. The video will be loaded in to your Web Cache. If this area is full, the video will be slow streaming. To clear the web cache

+ You can also delete your browser’s history by simply pressing CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE

+ Close Applications

Stuttering, choppiness and freezing can be linked to lack of RAM. Also some programs maybe using your bandwidth. When you stream your videos, cut down on the number of background programs running. A lot of slow streaming video problems can be attributed to excess programs.

Open the task manager by pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE. Click the application tab. End all programs, you are not using. You can also speed up your computer and streaming video by cutting down on your startup programs. Here is how:

Step #2–Stop Choppy Playback

Choppy playback can be directly related to your computer’s performance, specifically lack of free resources. You should streamline and tweak your computer to stop slow streaming video problems. One way to do this clean an organize your computer. So, if you haven’t cleaned your registry in a while. This is necessary step to stop game lag, slowdown and overall destruction of your system’s stability. Your registry holds all the information regarding updates, installs, un-installs etc. Each one of those events has a key. That key needs your PC’s resources and free space. So, if you clean your registry, you make more resources available for speed. Do a registry scan if you got more than 20 errors you should clean it.

Slow Streaming Video may be directly related to your corrupted registry, Click here for a FREE Scan!

Another way to stop choppy playback and slow video streaming is to Disable the use of hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration can cause choppy PC playback, application crashes and slow streaming video problems. This occurs because the option forces all video players to conform to one setting. By disabling this option, the individual player can set based on the requirements of the file.

Disable Hardware Acceleration by using these steps:

In Vista

In Windows 7

+ Eliminate Long Load Times and Excessive Buffering

Most players will allow you to alter their buffer settings.Below is an how to change buffer setting in Media Player.

You can change the default buffer settings in Windows Media Player, use instructions below:

+ Increase Virtual Memory

The final step but this step is often not needed to speed up slow streaming video. You can change your virtual memory by altering amount of free resources for your computer to use for it, in a sense making the spare bucket bigger. Virtual memory uses free space as a resource. So you can change the the amount free space reserved for the Virtual memory.

When you get to the Virtual Memory menu select the Custom Size check box. Then choose the initial size and the max size. Depending on how much free space you have you can choose what that amount of free space you want. If you are still confused the link has a visual step by step instructions.

Hot tip: Keep the initial and maximum size the same to cut down on your CPU access. This will stop your CPU from constantly change your Virtual memory paging size. Also set the size 1.5 times higher than your physical memory.

Step #3–Tweak Your Internet Connection

Simply tweaking your connection to get the best speed possible will do wonders from streaming videos online. Remeber that bandwidth is one of the key factors in fast buffering and instantaneous streaming. There are several ways in which you can speed up your internet connection.To learn more about how to make your internet connection faster, click here!

Ways to Speed Up your Internet Connection

Step #4–Lowering Video Quality

Streaming HD video or high quality videos takes a tremendous amount of your internet bandwidth. If you do not have a super fast connection, you will have to buffer videos to play them at the peak quality. A good way to speed up your streaming is to simply lowering the video quality. This can be done in all the major streaming sites. Just look for the option button in the lower right corner of the player. To learn more about lowering the quality of videos for better streaming on Youtube, click here